Martha Barnes

3508 Peach Haven Ct. / Raleigh, NC. 27607-6512

Children: Joshua Geboff, Alessa Geboff

Education: George Williams College /
North Carolina State University, BS and MS

Bio: I left Michigan to attend George Williams College, a YMCA affiliated school, in Downer's Grove, IL and, outside of summers and vacations never returned. Two years in Illinois, followed by two years in Anaheim California found us in Raleigh, NC. He left, I stayed finishing my bachelors and masters degrees in Zoology. During graduate school I spent summer weekends helping catch, tag, and release alligators in the swamps near Southport, NC. FYI: Cypress swamps are amazingly romantic on warm, moonlit nights with the mist rising off the water.

By education and training I'm a physiological psychologist. I spent the first 10 or so years of my career doing research, first at EPA and then at NIEHS, one of the National Institutes of Health.

Since 1994, I have worked in the grant funding division, doing analysis, coordinating a number of grant programs and serving as the human subjects specialist representing NIEHS on a number of trans-NIH working groups related to human subjects research. Over the past few months I have transitioned my grant programs to other staff as I move towards retirement. I plan to travel a lot before deciding on whether to build on property I own in Western NC or somewhere else.

Both my children attended NC State. My son is a financial analyst at NIKE with an MBA from Portland State University. My daughter has a degree in Chemistry, and was returning from a 6-month European training and touring trip when the coronavirus hit. She's now re-evaluating what she wants to do as the virus has closed the hospitality industry. My grandchildren are four-footed felines.  

In my non-working hours I like to read, garden, bake, hike, seakayak, travel, and dine-out with friends. For the past year I've enjoyed helping locate people for our reunion. My family were never much into taking pictures, so I hope you will come see me at the reunion or get in touch via e-mail.