THE 2020 Reunion Donors

Thank YoU for your generosity!
you helped to make it a wonderful night!

Gold $500 and up
Karen Roth Slepchuk
Harvey White

SILVER $300 - $499
Barbara Baird
Sue Boynton Abbott
Jean Eckman Nelson
Lisa Geovjian
Jim Rucinski
Nancy Brenner
Stanley Wallace

BRONZE $150 - $299
David Allwardt
Ilona Allwardt
Martha Barnes
Clark Bell
Lynn Janes Bell
Steve Benedict
Nick Beneker
Cindy Blanchard Kronig
John Bratton
Fred Caducio
Enid Carlson
Patty Collins Menendez
Alison Currie
Peter Gilleran
Denise Gonyea Durak
Linda Gray Leithe
Yvonne Haller Davis
Jack Hartrick
Leslie Hildebrandt Benyo
Bill Hinkamp
Jeff Keller
Cindy Menig Kenyon
Scott Moore
Ayliffe Mumford
Madolyn Nagley Greve
Bill Plawinski
Carter Ryan
Janis Settle Murray
Dave Murray
Linda Simpson Platt
Jan Smith Abramowitz
Gary Spencer
Sam Spencer
Susan Sutton Shook
James Swigart
Debbie Theodoroff Oben
Nancy Vinton Miner
Scott Warner
Sherry Wilson Gershenson
Wendy Wyatt

Rand Erbach
Wendy Gates Gretzinger
Bob Guilford
Vicki Hague Kendall
Greg Hodgins
Michael Kelley
Mike Lamson
Lynn McDonnell Oldani
Dan Rooney
Cheryl Sorber Shettel
Jim Shettel
Betsy Westcott Coats
Susan Whitall

Sue Boynton Abbott
in memory of Dave Benedict
Lisa Geovjian
in memory of Joan Gellatly
Wendy Wyatt
in memory of Mel Fahr
Stan Wallace
in memory of All Our Fallen Maples