
I finally gathered enough nerve to take a road trip to the Leelenau Peninsula to visit a dear friend/client before she departs for winter. I had actually forgotten about the fall color I was about to see and it was wonderful. This picture doesn’t show much color as the peninsula is typically later than the mainland -  which was intense.


This view is from Omena towards Northport.


Appropriately, I got to ride around in a 1940 Woody.


It was very bittersweet as I appreciated the beauty and realized how much I missed not having had my annual summer vacation up there.  The coronavirus certainly colors every aspect of life.


I walked uptown yesterday on a special mission.  


The Maple Road project is still not complete, but as you can see, the trees are planted, lampposts and parking meters need to be installed and with some major road cleaning the east side of Old Woodward will be complete.

The west side is a little behind. I wonder if they should just put the holiday lights on the trees before they plant them.


The Library addition is complete. I thought there was to be more planting but the addition really did come out to the sidewalk. On the north side, they have created a little fenced garden to read to the children.


My special mission. 

Class of 70 ZOOMS:  Grand-parenting 1.0

Mary's duckies 2.jpeg

We will be zooming again on Tuesday, October 12 at 7pm eastern: Grand-parenting 1.0, a sharing of helpful information to celebrate Mary Lamont becoming a first-time grandmother. 
You are invited and if you would like to attend, please email the message “Help Mimi!” to philip@woodburydg.com. On the morning of the event you will receive the zoom meeting ID and link, and a link to instructions for first-time zoomers. 

And don’t forget, Karen Roth has offered her services to set up ZOOM mini-reunions for you. Contact her: slepchuk@comcast.net

Another year every month. This month: 1955


Bob Heil submitted this photo, and no, this didn’t happen to him. I was tied to a tree but that's a different story.

Post your pictures from 1955 on our facebook group page!

Listen to 1955 top twenty music here:  https://youtu.be/LeJieM_c1QA

The Living Dead

As we approach Halloween we think of jack o’ lanterns, ghosts, witches, vampires and ZOMBIES!  As to the latter, thanks to the efforts of Jan Smith Abramowitz, one of our own is back with the living. I think it was in 2000 that we were told that Bill Swayze had passed. Please understand that as we search for classmates we don’t have the means to confirm such reports with three corroborating sources - we just accept the word we’re given.  Happily, Jan has contacted him and … he is alive!

So to Bill I’d like to say: I apologize for mistakenly reporting your demise. You never felt dead to me. In fact I have always suspected you told us that you were dead to throw us off your track. :) I’m thrilled you are with us again and am eager to see you and hug you at the reunion ... when it’s safe again.

Happy Halloween


I have been quietly going out of my mind because normally the month of October is jam-packed with activity in preparation for our annual Halloween party. Each year is a different theme, so it’s all new costumes, decorations, playlist, menu. It’s like an entire month of crafts and music and cooking.

I have tried to think of every way we could still celebrate in spite of the virus, even including a high-tech approach of a ZOOM broadcast of trick-or-treating house to house. In the end, nothing seems safe, and so we intend to rest in peace with a good seasonal dinner, several manhattans, and a special viewing of our favorite Halloween movie, Sleepy Hollow.

May you too, rest in peace.


Please join THE 2020 PIPER biographies and email directory:
Website: seaholmclassof1970.com
Case-sensitive password:  SHS70@50

Please post your 1955 photos, Postcards, Pastcards and chat:
Facebook: Seaholm Class of 1970
Ask to join.

Please reunite with your best friends from Birmingham:
Class of 70 ZOOMS:  slepchuk@comcast.net